A few months ago, I did a poll on LinkedIn and asked how important it was to use a professional photographer. Ninety-five percent (95%) of the respondents said professional photography was a must. I’ve written about headshots and want to add a few new thoughts to help you maximize your investment and results.

  • Interview a couple of photographers so that the person you eventually work with is in sync with you and what you want. Many photography styles include buttoned-up, casual, industry-specific, black and white, and more.
    • Does the photographer you’re talking to have the experience, equipment and know-how to maximize your desired style??
  • Think through how you want to project your brand image. Solemn, fun, flamboyant, mysterious. There’s a reason and place for any of those depending on your industry and the audience you want to attract.
  • Determine where you will use the photos and how many you want so you can keep your image current and exciting.
    • Also, consider how close up you want your headshot. While traditionally, a headshot is an upper chest and up, there are times when a little more body is OK. Any more than that, it becomes a portrait with a whole different cost structure and preparation.
    • Serious about your headshot? It’s not just about the pixels. The photographer can do a lot with the software, but there are better alternatives that will show the authentic you.
      • Women ~ have professional make-up at a minimum and, where possible, have their hair finished in a salon. Shave your chin fuzz.
      • Men ~ trim your beard or shave carefully to avoid nicks and rash. Trim your nose hair.
    • What do you want the environment to communicate? If you prefer studio shoots, you should have options for backgrounds. If outside is your thing, talk to the photographer about their experience to find locations that support your image requirements. Do you want a brick wall, sunset, mountains, garden, or desert?

    Enjoy your experience. That’s the best and only way to get what you want. Linda