Make no mistake: AI is an incredible tool for research, writing structure, and more. What it doesn’t replace is humans taking headshots of humans.
Like many others, your company may jump on the AI bandwagon to solve every corporate problem—from proposals to website content to party invitations to headshots—FOR EVERYTHING.

AI headshots lack that “sparkle” that often doesn’t reflect the individual’s personality. I just used AI to rewrite this sentence, so I’m not adverse to AI for specific tasks.

When a company is looking for good headshot images for their team, management may automatically think AI is the cheap, quick solution for their problem. But is it?

Cheap and Quick – Ask yourself these questions when thinking AI headshots.

  1. How many selfies will they take until they are happy with the image? Did they pucker their mouth to a proper pucker? Note: Did you know it takes FOUR DIFFERENT photos of a face to be used in AI headshots for their algorithm to work?

2. How many images did they review before making the four selections? A client told me she took 75 selfies before being happy with the four that would work, and she took another hour to process it in the AI app.

Then, she hired me to take her remote headshot, which was professionally taken and processed. Zip, 30 minutes in total for a final properly edited headshot.

3. Is the team member skilled at editing their headshot on AI? If not, will the company train them how to edit and then have them do it? Or is someone else at corporate assigned that task?

4. What does the team member do now? Send it somewhere? What happens if the company doesn’t like the final photo? Start all over!

5. What does management do with the photos? Manage the submission deadline, catalog, and name, edit for branding consistency, review team names, and match the pictures to each member’s photo sent to corporate to ensure they’re all done.

6. How much time has your company now invested per person in the process when they could have used the time to create more business and revenue the company?

It doesn’t sound so cheap now!

Remote photography is an option for producing professional, inexpensive, brand-consistent headshots. Remote photography easily solves each of the questions.

If you’re a professional company, please think twice about AI and when image is essential.

Yes, I am a remote photographer, and others are as well. I suggest that you consider working with someone who understands your needs.

Enjoy the next headshot season, no matter how you accomplish your goal. Linda

#AI #headshot #headshots #remoteheadshot #virtualheadshot #portrait #studioheadshot

Check out the article linked below. It is spot on. Why your AI headshots suck!