Many of us are guilty of walking around with our heads buried in our phones. 📱 But beyond the neck pain, we’re also missing out on real connections with the people around us. Let’s dive into why looking up can do more than just fix your posture.

Here’s the thing: when someone does connect, they often light up because someone has acknowledged them.

Take a moment to compliment something they’re wearing, and they’ll come to life. A simple “I like your shoes!” or “Cute dog!” can spark a conversation. 🐶 Dogs, by the way, are great conversation starters—”Beautiful dog! What a pretty color! How old is she?” Before you know it, you’re talking about dog names, where they get groomed, and more.

The moral? A friendly greeting and fun conversations often become the highlight of my day. It boosts my mood and makes me happy, knowing I brightened someone else’s day too.

😍 “You made my day!”—I’ve heard this more times than I can count. How would you feel knowing you made someone’s day?

Try it sometime. You’ll get so much more back than you expect. Just remember, your compliment must be genuine. If you can’t find something you truly like, it’s better to stay silent.

Check out the following ideas to start your ‘good morning’ and feel-good plan. Find more information on this website.

Starter Ideas:


  • 💪 “You look like you work out a lot—keep up the good work!” 💪
  • “I see you have a Cubbies ⚾ baseball team logo. Love Chicago!

Once, while having lunch in a restaurant in Wisconsin, I noticed a group of four men, all well-dressed. I walked over and said, “I don’t often see men in nice ties and office wear these days – you all look great.” At first, they were surprised this random woman came up to their table, but then they smiled and started chatting about their jobs. It felt fantastic—because we all enjoyed the interaction.


“Your child is adorable, and that dress is so cute!” It’s often even more fun to 🧜‍♀️ compliment the child directly—comment on her dress or the little boy’s football. Sure, it’s a bit stereotypical, but that’s just part of the world we live in.

“I love your workout tights and top!” Many times, women will excitedly share where they bought them, sometimes even flipping over the waistband to show the designer logo. They’re happy to receive a compliment on something they clearly take pride in wearing and their good taste.

And then there are their 🐶 dogs! Complimenting someone’s puppy is almost guaranteed to start a conversation. “What’s the breed?” “Ah, a doodle—same here! What she/he’s name? The exchange often turns into a fun chat about breeds, dog names, and, of course, our shared love for our furry friends.